Hey, it's that one guy

I’m just some guy. I like and use Magma magic. Once the second magic comes out I’m hoping to adopt explosion into my arsenal. I’m kind of going to try to go for a destroyer kind of vibe. Causing havoc and destruction with my magic. A bit contrary to that kind of build I’m going for I am a pretty passive player. I like to just sit on a shore and fish, minding my own business. When someone does come I just typically greet them and continue on fishing. One small term goal I have for myself, this is by no means end game stuff, but it’s to catch every fish and every fish variant.

As for my end game goal I think I’d just want to get the Primordial Magic Apocalypse Bringer. As of right now I don’t see anything else I want. I don’t care about being the strongest player, the richest, or the most influential. I just want to be the guy that can destroy a town like Ironport with a flick of the wrist.

That’s me, somewhat. Not entirely sure why I even made this, just thought it’d be fun. It was.


Welcome to the forum :poggerfish:

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