Hi, I'm Randomness


As you might have noticed, I’m now green.
I’m still very new to being green, so new in fact that I don’t have access to the Test Universe yet, but I still want to make this topic because I’m aware that people aren’t always a big fan of how the game is tested and I want to be open with what this means and what I want to do for the community.

if you weren’t aware, I was part of the AO Staff Team for about a year but I recently made the decision to step down at the end of November. I was recently DMed by Tech and he basically said that he understands if I want to take a break from the community, but he also asked whether I wanted to become tester and to provide feedback on AO, I said yes.

My main goal as a tester will be to improve the general experience of AO.
I’m not particularly good at Pvp and that won’t be my focus, but I do enjoy the game and I will be trying to make it more fun for people to play in other aspects.
As I’ve said, I’m stepping down from the staff team so I won’t be all over bug tickets, but when I am available I will push forward bug reports and the like from the discord server (Please don’t use the Bug Reports category if you can). I will be casually testing and giving feedback on new features/bugs I find as well I promise don’t kill me thanks :+1:

Now the important part of this is that I’m going to try and strive to see what the community are feeling. If there’s a concern, or a bug, or a question or a change you don’t like or whatever, feel free to ping me and if I believe there’s enough of a reason to bring it forward (e.g. not just a one off complaint about x), I’ll bring it up.

I am a person and I am likely to not be as active here as I have been in the past but I’ll try.

this also means that after way too long gravitester is real (he’s the guy who makes animations and posts some of them here, go congratulate him on the success)


Also if you want to know what I’ve done on the forum otherwise:

  • madness known as Forum Curses
  • Personal AO concepts/writing
  • I did a timeline project a while back people liked that (we never finished lol)

make ao better

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Well I didn’t know you had any association with the Devs at all, hope it goes well!

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Are testers bug testers or play testers? From my perspective, they seem more like the former than the latter due to their pre-existing knowledge of the game likely providing them with some form of bias.

Testers for AO get access to the Test Universe and can playtest the updates early. They also gain access to all the bug tickets made within the discord server and can push bugs that they either find or those that are reported.

In short - they should* be both although I think if you ask about some people would focus more on some aspects than others.

*Edit: Bit of a correction, I say should here but what I really mean is that they can fulfil the role of both but ofc some people will be interested in different parts of the game and might not particularly enjoy/or be able to give good feedback on certain parts.

Green Randomness… is REALLLLLLL!!!

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Are you by chance like an onion?

no actually I’m a

you’re a cabbage
cabbages are green and have layers

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Congrats on being green :confetti_ball:
Also you’re like, the first one afaik to openly announcing personal focus on pushing community feedback, have a :cookie: for this massive W

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what about crimsonpants

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Welcome back rb1


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Welcome to being green, brother.

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Seems about right.

turn green

No, I’m staying true to my roots.

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roots are brown and not green, good job

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Congrat, you could say this is quite random for me to see

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