Hi I'm sinisterfirefly

I just found this and I started WoM sometime before the fishing update. I fell with it immediately and now that Vetex is improving the game I’m even more excited.
I like to come up with magic ideas so if the others can show me around I’ll be grateful :3

hi welcome to the forums, enjoy your experience here

Welcome to the forums, nice to meet ya!

welcome to the forums!

Hi :3

hello! do you have discord?

just made my account actually. Im very bad with social media

whats your user/ Tag?

so i can add you

do you mean my roblox username? (this is why im not very tech savvy)
If you’re asking for rblx friend requests then unfortunately I don’t friend online people i dont know IRL, sorry
but you can follow me.

no i mean o discord if u have it

Oh. same username then. Thx for following me then

like whats your tag?

I dont know what that means sorry
Im so bad with social media
what is a tag?

its a hashtag every discord user has

the number?
then its 2980



basically some important things:
-Off topic is best category
-Vetex (world of magic main developer) is remaking the game entirely and thats why there wont be updates for a long time
-mommy moth

Thank you, yes I am aware of the remake.