Hi, I'm Universal!

In game i’m Rocco Burns (Explosive Sound)

Captain of a new upcoming piracy organisation called “Tarocan Pirates” and only recently
hit the big leagues of having 50k bounty

I sail The Insanity.
Nice to meet you all!


I honestly thought you were an @OLEG alt from this topic but welcome to the forums anyway

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Hey! welcome to the forums!

Welcome to the forums!

Hey Universal, welcome to the forums! :tada:

universal studios

Enjoy your stay

Bro did the same thing i was thinking of
Brother? is that you?

Welcome to the forums :clap:

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I’m not oleg i swar!1

i can finally talk guys!

thanks for the welcome

Why do u care if ur known as OLEG? Do yk who he is?

no one wants to be known as oleg

just so mods know incase oleg was banned, I’m not actually oleg. Seriously, i’m not. I’m not evading bans.

yes for i am lego.