Hi there!

Hi. I’m Madkat. I’m new to the forums, so feel free to fill me in on anything that’s currently happening that I should know about. I like shadow magic and savant, no reason to lie. Some files I have and really like:

Shadow/basic combat/cannon fist savant (main)
wind/boxing warlock (main on alt #1)
poison/plasma mage
iron leg/cannon fist berserker
water paladin (not as bad as it sounds trust me)
crystal conjurer

I like making up backstories for my characters and am currently writing what will hopefully be an 8-book series about them. On the weekends I usually just hang out in the Bronze Sea, or in Nimbus trying to figure out the mysteries of Makrinaos. It’s easy to find me, I’m always seeking more lore about the world. Anyways, that’s all for now.




Hello me but saturated

Hello there

Why is your pfp so green

Duke you cant just ask someone that :fearful:

@Dudeman @fartman1314 spit yo sh*t


wth bro :fearful:

unforgivable crime unfortunately :frpensive:

anyways how do you feel about the tempered enchant

idk never got it, i don’t do much dark sea or grinding in general.

gotta have some ambition!

you are free from my wrath this time…

If you told me what tempred does, how it works, etc., i’d probably be able to give you an opinion

As an author myself, my advice would be to start small. I have never been able to find the motivation to even finish one book, so don’t shoot too high and risk disappointing yourself.

Nonetheless, always nice to see a new forumer, and one who’s a fellow author? Welcome to the tenth circle of hell, Madkat.

Would be better if we got a Poseidon blessed spirit weapon for hybrid use.

hi madkat. this will tell you all you need to know about me:

Epic gamer move?

ok noted, it appears i’m in for a fun time here

hello fellow new guy. I’m also new here as well!