Hiding weapons should be an option!

Hiding weapons should be an option! https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/c/f/cf8a9b1f29d49da0aa3118fe0c1b1ef4ca1fb3a3.jpeg
effort 4.1 10 quality 4.769230769230769 13 reasonability 4.307692307692307 13

clear troll account, idk how it hasn’t been banned yet

cool looking fit
then massively oversized sword on my back (clips through half of my fit)

Honestly really want this because there are some weapon combinations that on your body look ridiculous like halberd katana and flintlock

also it can catch the opponement off guard

nothing wrong with this

Sure, why not?
Also, pulling a sword out of thin air will be pretty hilarious when your opponent approaches you while looking for a fight.

viewing what weapon they using by look is not very important something

and this will be really good for making character concept
I want it

could be a side quest maybe to unlock some kind of magic cloaking of weapons?

Honestly that sounds really cool

absolutly reasonable suggestion that already has the feature ingame and just needs to be put on the weapons. 10/10 Ideal suggestion.

idk i think hes just a dumbass, i mean lil bro unironically gave the single worst suggestion ever made, and always has the worst takes

nah there was a very clear troll account

the comment i replied to appears to have been deleted

@opticalcord are you a troll account or are you unironically dumb

I’m against this because 1, it ruins immersion seeing someone whip out a massive fucking hammer out of nowhere, and 2, you can no longer tell what weapons someone is using before they attack you, or you attack them, which is good for nobody.
Before you make the argument that magic gets to do that, the moment someone dodge reflexes they reveal at least one magic they’re using, so that point is null and void.


mods, crush his skull, thank you

Did you know gorilla actually can crush human skull?

can you tell what fighting style attacks or magic attacks a person is going to use at a distance?
you can’t even tell what magic a person has at a distance.

aside from weapon builds you can’t even tell what BUILD a person is using at a distance unless you check in the player list.
if being able to gauge your opponent’s power at range is so important, we should completely remove vanity so we can see what armor they’re using too.

the moment somebody uses a weapon they reveal atleast one weapon they’re using, so that point is null and void.

you gave me two options :person_shrugging:

alot of mages and beserkers wear weapons too, i just think the you can tell what someones using is only relevant to organised PvP