Hiding weapons should be an option!

Hiding weapons should be an option! https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/original/3X/c/f/cf8a9b1f29d49da0aa3118fe0c1b1ef4ca1fb3a3.jpeg
effort 4.1 10 quality 4.769230769230769 13 reasonability 4.307692307692307 13

I’d like an option to hide equipped weapons.

It adds excessive bulk to my character as a weapon-using build.
Thats it, I just think it looks bad when my character has too many weapons strapped to them.
Especially when I’m wearing some cloak/cape alongside a heavy weapon (Hammer/Greatsword) and I see the handle clip through the accessory.


maybe a readjustment to where the models are placed, as you progress more into the game with the cooler weapon models i believe this shouldn’t be an issue anymore though, with the current state i can see how this can be an issue


Makes sense to be a thing. We can already hide other gear if we want to, so this just kinda brings weapons up to that standard.


where does it go :skull:

secret :slight_smile:


Where do your accessories go when you hide them?

I think it’s a reasonable addition, seeing as accessories are allowed to have cosmetic slots and the option to hide them.

There’s almost no tactical advantage for opponents to have it displayed anyway, as most fights i know of often happen out of nowhere and suddenly.

bro I already rated ur thing

(when you see what kind of weapons they have)

That won’t stop me from replying, though

Huh, accidentally sent that, thought i’d releted it

double edits lol

ye i deleted it earlier before reverting it

I would say its so people are able to see ahead of time what their attacker is going to hit them with, but you don’t really get that luxury with any weaponless class so making weapon users the only predictable ones definitely seems a bit nonsensical.

Why would a suggestion like this receive any pushback at all?
It makes no sense why some people in this community absolutely despise completely logical and purely beneficial changes.


yeahhhhhhh right

Can we remove this account’s ability to rate anything cos this isn’t even a bad suggestion and this guy’s trolling. I say account cos this is def an alt account that someone made to not be held accountable for things.

Just use invisiblity bro

fuck you