My take on Calvus, should the whole Roman theme be taken quite literally
Please dont read the rest unless you want to read my obsession with art history
I based this after Roman busts, often made of emperors. Emperors did not wear crowns, as they were not necessarily monarchs so much as originally chosen by the people. Instead in order to represent their victory and strength, they wore laurels, so i chose to opt for a decorative laurel wreath. As he is roman, i made sure to draw him with the curls nearly all romans are depicted with. I love italian curls and think that its a shame less characters are depicted with them. I also gave him a more prominent nose, as many roman busts have strong side profiles with angular noses, and felt it fit Calvus. I think if i did this again i would attempt to give it a wider nose bridge, as warriors were depicted with thicker noses often and i feel that his strength should be portrayed. Idk
Okay rant over, kind of want to do Carina next