Hopefully the new shipwrecks, underwater structures and diving spots expand on sunken collection

If I’m correct, sunkens are just items that have been underwater for thousands of years. So something like a sunken trident would be pretty cool or sunken gauntlets (accessory).

As long as new items are added to give incentives to actually loot these locations rather than getting our 15th axe slash and swift scroll.

I don’t think they will, for a few reasons

  1. Diving spots are not too difficult to find, and underwater structures, while they seem like they will be hard to find, are nowhere near difficult enough to warrant an addition to the sunken set.

  2. Diving areas already have a ‘looting incentive’, for potion reagents. Want a potion that’ll stop a ganker from harming you for several minutes? Love potion. Want to find sharks? Shark Attraction Potion, Want a higher chance for boss gear drops? Luck potion. The potion variety alone will make these places absolutely worth it. I myself expect to dive into the water like a rat into a kfc deepfryer every time I see a diving spot.

  3. Additions to the Sunken set probably won’t come until higher levels. Right now I would rather Vetex make generic rare weapons/spells/techniques that pad out players options at the current endgame.

  1. fishing is easy to do aswell and can be done anywhere so that doesn’t mean they can’t add something worth getting and it doesn’t even need to be sunken (I see your 3rd point on generic rare weapons and that would be good enought tbh)

Anyways the point is that it can be a common find but maybe have a low chance of finding unique worthwile loot.

  1. I truly don’t think potions reagents alone would be enough to make someone want to explore every single spot they come across (at least after initial hype) especially if they are so common. Giving players that small bit of hope that they can get a cool rare weapon would be enough to make them want to take the chance. Altho if magic change/stat change potions can be made from these expeditions then it would be worth it.

  2. I agree the sunken was just an idea. But having any new rare weapons, armour or scrolls would be good too at least for the early stages of the game

I’m pretty sure diving spots are just the way for you to know that there’s something underwater. Like a structure or shipwreck. Not separate features.

Maybe, but the reason I assumed the structures and spots were different/occupied a similar space is because I read on the trello that there are 60 diving spots on the map, and later on it says there are 20 underwater structures.

“Started working on adding “Diving Spot” generation. (The name of them will change, but they are basically small underwater areas with up to 8 chests and 3 sealed chests. Currently only the spawning of them is done, and have no loot or functionality. These won’t spawn passively, and instead 60 of them are generated randomly across the sea at the start of each server.)”

" Finished the generation of “Diving Spots”, which now connect to the sea floor properly, have randomized features such as kelp foliage and sea urchins, which deal damage and poison when touched. (There are only 3 types of shapes for diving spots currently, a lot more will be added soon since builders will be helping with these)"

And then after that he finally begins to mention Underwater Structures

Added the first type of underwater structure that generates. 20 of these generate at the start of each server, and they are medium-island sized with a lot of chests, and will be discovered slightly different to diving points and work slightly differently.

So diving spots were referred to as ‘small’ underwater areas whilst Underwater structures were referred to as ‘medium island sized’ specifically. That’s just where I got the idea that they are different overall.

On the topic of potions I do truly think people will actually dive for these just for the potion aspect. Potions are the only way to get stat resets consistently, as well as the fact that to get to the deepest diving spots, which you want sunken stuff for, you need a water-breathing potion anyway. Stocking up on supplies would be very important regardless.

Plus don’t underestimate the power of the potions. Being able to forcibly turn pvp off, create aoe damage, increase your drop-rate luck, a healing potion, a potion to reveal all chests players and npcs around- all of that is incredibly powerful and on its own worth sticking your nose under da sea.

If this is gonna be a thing im going to explode

(Look at Love potion, its got the longest explanation)


Why did vetex think of this idea wtf, im just gonna hope it lasts like 5 seconds

Then I’ll make 500 of em. Someone tries to gank me and force me to pvp when I just want to fish? Bam, you are now unable to pvp against me. I think they are a perfectly viable thing, they probably won’t actually be that common but someone like me, who hates pvping, will find uses for them outside the obvious memes that will arise.

Gay tension fr fr

Turn yesterdays enemies into todays fishing homie.

but what if my character is a hopeless loner :triumph:

I see, I missed this bit.

So they are a separate thing.

love potion

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yeah, diving points have bubbles at the surface and a bit of a white patch, and are generally stuff like raised land n things

underwater structures are medium island sized that are morso structures and also have a shark or sea monster statically spawned there (they respawn after like 10 min), and are found by finding sea charts in sailor chests that put the spot on your map

I can’t wait for underwater structures. It’ll actually be feasible to get poison tooth dagger outside of just being lucky.

proceed to ally with everyone to remove pvp entirely

add these killers to diving spots

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