Hopes for the future of AO

THE PTSD no!!!:cold_sweat:

:pleading_face: :pray:


To be fair, order members are not always gonna be related to the story

i remember vetex saying the last bronze sea baron would be behind a side quest line, im thinking he/she’ll be in charge of fort castrum

I hope he adds more PvP content because right now that community is dead asf

No one ganks anymore

Why would he add more pvp content?

Seems like you want to get ganked more, so…

How to get ganked more:


Deadass get ganked by someone several times as soon as they enter my cabin lol

Recolorable warrior’s boots or any alternative that can recolorable

Uhh no.

Now I wish I was a fire mage.

download (5)

i think vetex will go into berserk mode and destroy everything

Hoping to reach Ryujin Dynasty

do a collab with fortnite

i’m really holding out hope that the reason spirit weapons aren’t in the game yet is because vetex wants to make up a way for them to work differently from all the other combat styles

The AO PvP community is revived. Clan wars are non-existent.
Top players don’t really play anymore
Sweats are rampant that flex using an unskilled meta class
True skill no longer exists
Everyone is running the same build with no variation
Oh and clan circus lost its charm
Moderation has become stricter and the server has pretty much been neutered since the ball pit incident
Vet mods are keeping a strict eye on it and it this point it’s just a glorified PvP server that lost all the qualities that made it special and fun.

This is not deepwoken

So basically, less toxicity.

Solve that problemx solve every problem