Hopes for the Future Story for Arcane Odyssey

That’s the thing, he has a curse that can make up for the supposed power gap between martial/weaponry and magic. Someone who is purely relying on their physical strength couldn’t reach the levels of strength freedock has within a reasonable amount of time.

He died a lot of times, and was alive even before magic was given to humanity. (So he was born somewhere in WA)

He cant answer much abt Freedrock tho, as apparently its spoilers for the story

you realize that characters in stories don’t just serve one purpose and die, right? she still has goals (mastering her magic, namely)

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the term “character arc” means a character grows and changes; completion of an arc means that they have gained a new outlook or have had some other major change in mentality. finding out your dad was killed by a cult for having information is barely an inciting incident

what makes you think the player will even fight him :skull: yall are suggesting ideas for someones abilities who already has their abilities planned out without knowing anything about him


nope that would be the testers indecisiveness on how to nerf surge


wait is surge intended to be a “GET AWAY FROM ME” move so mage can actually be a zoner

I’m gonna be honest, reading all these suggestions for Wotan makes me think that half the mfs on these forums got a room temperature IQ in Celsius dawg.
Like, do not cook, you don’t even know how a fucking fire works y’all.


we try to cook and it comes out more raw than we started

I say you should have the testers executed one by one until they give a reasonable surge nerf.

tried to cook a steak and it ended up eating your salad.

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“the soup is cold and the salad is hot, how is that even possible?”

i mean its a constant damage in front of you so yes its meant to be a get away from me type spell


then why dont we make it have like reduced damage and more knockback so it actually gets people away from you without being a “spam this to kill everything” type spell like it’s currently seen as

youre saying that canonically, berserkers and warriors will NEVER have the potential to be the strongest in the verse?

Definitely not compared to curse users, but what does canon really matter to us, anyway? Canon has been proven to not have much of an effect on the gameplay

There will be caveats in the game’s design that ensure a boss will be slightly stronger than the player, at the intended point of progression, despite the canonical strength of either party

Well yea of course since curses are absolutely broken, hence why there’s a bunch of wars over them. But I was just hoping there’d be an AO equivalent to Garp or Roger who don’t have devil fruits but are some of the strongest figures in the entire series.

But I guess the AO magic system doesn’t work like that, since the only reason humans can be so powerful is cause prometheus gave them magic

I’ll probably sound crazy for this but the average power of curses is far superior than the average power of devil fruits. Also, it’s foolish to consider Garp and Roger as standard humans just because they don’t have a devil fruit, considering they’re two of the strongest haki users in the series. Regardless, it makes sense that mages (and magic classes, once they get enough skill points to access stronger spells) would be stronger than berserkers or warriors, just look at how strong they are now despite any nerfs

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Not a crazy take at all since curses are essentially logias on steroids

That’s my point, I’m not talking about the average haki user. I’m just explaining how the full potential of haki is equal and even superior to devil fruits on occasion. It shows that the power system is flexible enough for anomalies to exist. Same way shanks is the only non-DF Yonko but still stopped a war by his presence alone.

Ik specifically talking about canon and lore wise bro we all know mage is cracked