Hopes for the Future Story for Arcane Odyssey

And wasn’t it explained that warriors and berserkers just use a form of magic thats concentrated in their fists/weapons? If it’s the same source of power what makes “normal” magic superior? Genuinely asking

might be because mages just use pure magic while other classes mix it with other shi

From what I can tell magic/chaos is THE power system in the arcane verse, every power seems to stem from it. And even though berserkers and warriors technically use magic, they only do so passively (basically magic-lite :sob:). So we can assume that they aren’t gonna have as much potential to draw from its power as classes that actively use magic.

Hence why there can’t really be a berserker/warrior equivalent of Garp/Roger being at the top of their verse w/o devil fruits. Haki has a completely different source of power than devil fruits so it’s possible to get really good at one while not having the other. Whereas that’s not possible in the arcane verse since magic is the ONLY power source.

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Wait, so… In regards to just mages then, does this mean that classes with magic imbues (conjurer and warlock, namely) are still at a canonical strength disparity compared to mages?
Or are they more of an exception, as they’re combining the magic into their other method of fighting?

yeah the reason why the MC has amnesia is because vetex wants us to have our own character with their own backstory, and forcing them to be from a village only restricts that.

While I don’t believe magic is the only power source, it’s the most utilized one. To quote the radius fist description, “A fighting style that requires a lot of mental strength to use, this allows the user to extend the range of their hits using extreme willpower, sending shockwaves with each attack.” According to the description it’s possible to strengthen ones attacks using willpower, or at the very least increase the range of them.

There’s also the addition of soul manipulation with the introduction of vitality classes & spirit weapons. Which, until proven otherwise, isn’t directly affiliated with magic.

Actually, not really, he confirmed in another thread that MC is their own character, and we’ll learn more of their backstory as story progresses. Ig the main reason why we have customization, story choices, etc is because its still a game. But theyre still a character like the others in the story. Maybe deeper details will be left to intepretation.

Maybe in the next se we just get a hint or a semi boss, Thats what I would like, just a little thing about the order, this next sea should be more of a training arc

Okay, so with the stuff so far with classes, I would say the classes we choose rn (ourside of the usual Mage) are mostly there for gameplay purposes.

I think it’s clear to me knowing some stuff back in WoM times, there were actually a lot of people asking for a non-magic path. I jave vague memories of Vetex actually seeing these conpalints, but turning them down, as the title of the game was “World of Magic” after all. But this was before the revamp.

So when Vetex decided to revamp, it was very likely that people’s wants for non-magic builds was on his mind as it was brought up to him. Which is why I think the build system exists now, mainly for those who don’t want to stick to magic only.

As for Conjurer, Warlocks, Paladins, I think this is the same case too. Just builds for gameplay stuff, for people who still want to use more than just magic. I think in lore, Mages can actually use weapons and master weapons. Arcaniums wepaons exist after all, and they do pretty much what a Conjurer can do. It isnt impossible for a mage to learn how it imbue magic with their fists eventually after learning fighting styles considering they can imbue their whole body with magic energy (Aura spells) and Paladins… well, similar thing with Weapons.

Think of AA MC, they unlocked three magics and are still able to use fists and weapons. Or Calvus, a savant with imbued magic into fighting styles and even yet had a Lost Magic (remember, imbue for savants is only available at second awakening).

I dont think Mages simply “forget” certain skills just cause they awakened, though it could theoretically work if they have not used them at all, like, at all. (But would it even count as “forgetting”? Youre not forgetting a skill, you havent even learned a skill…).

However, training in something else outside of just your magic does take away time from mastering your magic more, so I guess the skill points are kinda more accurate. A Mage who only trained their magic skills the whole time might outclass a another Mage’s magic skills who trained in both Magic and Weapons. However, it does mean that theyre more reliant on magic instead of more variety.

Wait, this makes MC a lot more OP compared to the actual gameplay, doesnt it? Because they’re not really restrained by the class restrictions. Even if they trained in magic more, they’re still able to punch, kick, maybe shoot someone lol. In fact, Casting Style includes punching and kicking, some of thme also involve swinging and movements, actions performed from fighting styles and possibly weapon-users… Its possible that they actually incorporate weapon/fighting style into magic casting and vice versa…

Oh my god. No wonder General Argos and King Calvus got whooped, lmaooo


This is all exactly the reason I don’t even think about canon in relation to the gameplay.

Gameplay is built on abstractions to make the game fun and fair (I fell asleep while typing this originally)


All skills would still get shitstomped by warren

Yep, pretty much. Considering that Vetex still wants to make the story into books, you gotta think outside the box and treat the game and the story a little seperately here. Not everything in gameplay is gonna have relevance to lore, and vice versa.

When looking at lore, I tend to look at it in a book author’s perspective and sometimes disergard some gameplay stuff. There so much a game can do to convey a character and the full scope of a story. And there’s only so much a story can do to provide liveliness and fun to a game. Gotta balance both, but they dont have to be connected.


Man, remember when AA was about Saving the world from a mad wizard, and the only thing we had to do while heading towards that was commit genocide, without really any lore reason…

The good ol’ days

“Yes, [Insert MC name here], I need you kill specifically 150 cowboys at Oblitesco.”


that makes the entire lore lame as hell :sob:

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Yeah that’s a good way of thinking about it. I really doubt that in the books it will say that the MC suddenly thinks “You will now respawn at Fort Talos”

It’s quite lame that you NEED magic or at the very least a curse to be able to compete with the top tiers. Plus, it really lowers the potential for major bosses by locking it to only magic and magic-adjacent classes.

no it stuns you when you’re in it every second

Considering how he is making two chapters and the first chapter is very short, it’s most likely that we are getting a level cap of 150, as Vetex said that the level cap for 1 chapter was gonna be 135.