Hosting a tModloader server

Remember this?

Well I am hosting another tModloader server, next weekend. It will ofcourse have calamity and be 1.4, Now the question is: Would anyone be interested in playing?

The modlist, and rules are in a discord server I created. The major content Mods are Calamity, Infernum, and Thorium. The modlist can be debated and I take suggestions for content mods and the such.

If you are intrested please join the server below :nod:

And for anyone wondering “what is crismon doing here i thought he was on break”, I have switched from inactive to semi-active :+1:


sign me up damn!!!

Sounds cool

three content mods though? normally I’d say “pick just one”

Mods are subject to change, I was originally just going to go calamity + infernium and a lesser content mod like split but 1.4 doesn’t really port that many notable/ quality ones :fr:

I’m pretty sure they play terraria, though they’re out of town right now

(I swear im not trying to bump :sob: )
I should probably mention this but After i get around 20-25 or so people in the server im gonna close it since tMod starts to break down when you have over 15 people in the server at once :upside_down_face:

oh so that’s why you’ve been hopping on and off tmod

i thought it starts way earlier than that

That is more 1.3, and It really depends on the host :fr:

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I’m ready to accidentally hard carry with my unreasonable movement

w.w kid will live again

the last tmod server ended up with everyone speedrunning bosses and i didn’t have time to build :rage:

This time the progression req will most likely be higher so hopefully that gives more time for people to join + I will leave host on overnight :smiley:

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Shall I start the glitchfection again?

yeah I’m not feeling this one. Master Death Infernium sounds like hell on earth

Well Infernum can’t run on master mode so it will be expert + Infernum (since you need death on anyways) If you want you are still free to join :+1:

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I should mention after doing some polling that we have removed Thorium since it doesn’t really scale to calamity, and since infernum HUGELY increases the difficulty gap, there was no point in keeping it

On a side note, I have invented possibly my magnum opus in the entirety of my image editing career

There are also 2 more slots left untill I close the server :fr:

I managed to build a giant ah castle so idk

we do not talk about the glitchfection