How about we post froge pictures here to make #game-discussion more holy and forget about auto fishing crap

The title is self explanatory

Me when nobody even noticed this :skull_and_crossbones: NVM

i have no frog pictures to post, unfrogetunately, but I agree.

people crying about autofishers being evil or not gets nothing done when vetex is well aware and doesn’t care.

How dare you?

I too think people should shut up

I generally don’t like automating processes in games unless its a game where autoing is kinda the thing to do, like one of those awful simulator games. But yeah people need to stop, if it becomes an actual issue vetex’ll take care of it.

yeah like fr shut the fuck up I don’t give a FUCK if someone is autofishing, fishing is already an easily grindable task, where’s the problem here? oh because tHe ECOnOmY gEtS fuKCed?? those are just fish and random items you’d get out of chests. shut up.

oh but people can leave it on during the nigh- that doesn’t matter, the chance of them actually getting something good is still the same, shut up.

they still lose bait and they still lose money if they get unlucky, just like you. Shut up.

This totally negates my point of forgetting about it.I swear if this becomes the third chat to this dumb argument im out