How are clans? Are they worth joining right now?

I have been invited to quite a few clans, and I want to know if joining clans in general is worth it. I PvP for fun personally, and from what I can see clans seem to be a gank simulator (with friends !!).

I do want more people to play with, but I kinda suck at fighting and if I join something I want to commit to it + with my silly build ill essentially be a free gank points infamy farm.

Additionally, do I listen to the voices? They want me to kill everything and attack everything challenging in every game (including Arcane Odyssey). No one worse than me will suffice.

  • Give in to the voices and ATTACK
  • peace :slight_smile:
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you havent been invited to neptune so i don’t think it’s worth it g

bro what the heck the voices are real I really wanted to click the option to give in to the voices and ATTACK even though that’s generally the opposite of how I play the game

idk but i made a clan and got some people on it cause of that upcoming building update