How bad is YOUR rival to fight

wanna hear what your guys rivals builds are, for some reason mine is a bugged savant or a really weird warlock he has two magics and one fighting style and no imbues, he can also use shapes which is super fucking weird

hm: if your rival is a knight build i am SORRY. for you

mine uses metal + acid and weapons, absolutely impossible to fight in cqc and can easily beat me from afar too :skull:

mine is a wind + glass + dual flintlocks conjurer with cannon and javelin, a pain to deal with but as a paladin its kinda easy

my other rival is a Knight and is named McKnight

mines a zerker its so easy ahahahah

mines is a light crystal mage who’s attacks move at mach 10

mine’s a warlord with boxing if i’m not wrong, nonetheless it’s hella easy lolol

(I do also have an ash conjurer but it’s harder just because it’s in my berserker file)

magma + acid + fighting style with a size + dmg build
light work really

The only really bad ones I have are on my Acid Warlock and Earth Conjurer; the former’s rival is a Glass-Sailor Savant with a Rapier. Glass hits super hard, and there’s not a lot of good chances to fight back. My Conjurer’s rival is a Poison/Crystal/Earth Mage, so her attack size is able to inflict the Thousand-Yard Stare. My best bet to beat her is to just spam Musket skills.

Max level magma-ash mage with 3K health. Took 4 people to beat him without cheesing him

thats a paladin

He’s such an annoying weirdo

mine is a warrior that only uses heavy close ranged axes and weapons. easy kill every time

I have a warrior rival that uses full attack speed gear and has Spear Throw

he’s kind of annoying but if you keep your distance (like with any other NPC) he’s pretty easy

Mine is aids, Warrior build with Flying Phoenix and Flying Slash. When supercharged both easily hit for 600 dmg when accounting for bleed effect. I’ve seen him catch players by surprise with his damage and win fights against meta-mancers and Sailorlords

Mine is very annoying.
Explosion Ash Cannon Fist warlock.
I have a friend who has way worse though, not only is he a savant, but he quite literally broke the ingame magic rules via either
A having two fire magics, or B having two ults on the same magic.
We don’t know which it is, all we know is he popped a ult aura and ult beam back to back in the same fight, both fire.

glass-plasma thermo-boxing impossible warlock, quite fragile through (<2k hp iirc)

My rival is a glitched glass-shadow-basic-cannonfist warlock with ultimate arts in all 4 of them. He drops guns occasionally, and I’ve seen him using m1s at times.
His glass ultimate art is a Beam, and his shadow ultimate art is a leap (wowza). His cannonfist ultimate art is a crash, and his basic combat ultimate is a smash.

He also deals some silly amounts of damage. He can dish out an average of 400 a hit. His health is around 2500.

I haven’t fought mine in a while because Im fairly sure she’s a berzerker and I want her to have one of the new fstyles as her 3rd, but oh boy

ileg boxing. if I get close, I die.

Fire-wind mage

I basically got an upgraded version of the ravenna mage and he’s equally as annoying (spams beam)