Yes, I know there is a post that is literally the same thing as that, but no one offered a rigid enough answer, and I think making a new post entirely would be more effective than necro-bumping that one.
This is the earlier post by the way:
People kept giving different answers, ranging from 11 to 200km, both pretty small for a continent regardless. I imagine the size of the map was derived from some in-game calculations, but it’s not reasonable to expect Vetex to make a massive sized map with thousands of cities, as a real continent would be. I’m referring specifically to the size of Magius in the lore, since I need the size for something lore-based I’m doing.
Basically what I’m saying is that Magius in WoM was probably scaled down for obvious reasons, though one can not be too sure. I need the distance in real word distance terms, and in the lore, not in-game.
A continent 12km across…
That’s less than the distance between my house and my high-school.
That’s less than the width of Malta, and no one is out here calling Malta a continent.
THIS is Malta:
The smudge so tiny that it is completely overshadowed by the marker. That one below the foot of Italy. A “continent” is THAT small? Find that hard to believe.
And all those cultures and distinct people are magically cramped inside 12kms of space?
Already predicted and covered this response in the post.
Considering what I said above, Magius was probably scaled down for convenience’s sake.
Guessed as much to be honest, just wanted to see if a specific answer straight from the mouth of Vetex or anyone else responsible for the lore existed.
Might just go with this if no such answer exists. Thanks though.
I suppose that, seeing as it is a bootleg lego game, my default assumption about the people in Magius shouldn’t be that they shit, correct? After all, they aren’t real, and it’s a magic game, so even though I have been told by the lore that Magius’ denizens are human beings that sleep and eat (afaik, there were some campfires near tents with pots), it’d be a little too unreasonable to assume they shit as well, you don’t wanna ASSUME anything after all.
Even in a magic game far removed from reality, there are some elements that one expects to be consistent. If Vetex wanted to drastically alter the definition of “continent” for his lego game, then he’s perfectly allowed to do so, but it would be more unreasonable to assume that “continent” means something else in the AU that it normally means without Vetex’s direct words because “it’s a lego game bro”.
This is a pretty retarded non-argument, not going to lie. The most sane assumption here would be that Vetex made the distances that small for his and the player’s convenience, as well as to give the illusion of distance (not a bad thing btw). A standard unit of measurement like km was used either because he could not be bothered or in order to let the player know immediately what the number signified in a quest, for instance.
But all the examples of land masses even nearly as small as that in real life are either called islands. Okay…
The wiki once said it was only a couple miles long, but I’'m willing to be it’s as large as America, as the only reason why it’s relatively small is because of Roblox’s limitations