How can i improve WoM build

I use plasma magic and i do little to no damage someone help

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if your weapons do more damage than your magic then what the fuck was the point of getting full sunken set with strong ss

I sold one of my headlesses a long time ago, these were really just in my inv

Plasma has shit damage (I think on par w/ light). If you want more damage swap to a stronger magic. Doesn’t have to be a meta magic either. Snow, sand, wood, ice, acid (probably, can’t remember), ink. If you want to keep using plasma then just get more items that give power, like wizard items. It’s as simple as that. Your build seems fine though as is.

Yhe i used to use full powerful wizard set, but it seemed very slow and still not as much damage as other magics, seems like i just have to switch my main magic lol ty

run a power build to boost your dot
prob the 860 hp one

just make sure you always have your dot going

How much damage exactly do u do rn

use a meta set not sunken
if you wanna use sunken just use a sunken chest thats it


I need to check later

Plasma does less than light

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Also this build is so bad because sunkens aren’t good, use wizard items

you should play deepwoken

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