How closely intertwined PvE and PvP are? (From a PvE demon perspective)

That and the goddamn block key is g


As much as I hate PvP, eventually got into it due to the sheer boredom and lack of content lol. Despite being an “exploration” game it still lacks in world building, so I guess you’re right about being centered to pvp

what are pve demons

just have the pvp’ers pvp the pvp’ers and the pve-ers play with the pve-ers

me who cant even beat calvus phase one solo:

why would i even try? its undoubtly obvious that theyre better, plus i dont have any pvp experience, best i can do is flee and pray they dont chase after me

i dunno man, last time i checked getting spawnkilled dident really raise my dopamine levels

tried my best to cook up a reply but ended up deleting it halfway through. I don’t even know how to respond to this. As a fellow fodder myself I’d say you need extra protection cuz you ( for lack of other words ) clearly have serious skill issues.

Hope you get over that scaredy cat mentality soon else you’ll have a hard time going foward both in story and gameplay.

Veterans watch in horror as Vetex recycle Minotaur and Exiled from WoM for Keraxe (20 hits blast doesn’t do 1k damage anymore)

Would love if the keraxe bosses were like mino or exiled. Fighting them is much more fun than most AO bosses

300! 300! Your character just lost a limb

50 50 50 240! RAGING SLASHES!

honestly i quite like pvp as someone who mainly does pve BUT my pc crashes if i dash into a wall so im kinda just forced to stick with pve

for me, pvp is fun when it is controlled (duel, fair bounty hunting as in same level) but ganks and the likes isn’t. Some recent updates make pvp hell like exotic enchants (if you don’t PvE) or FS stuff (hell). Sure this could make both better and you will need stronger items eventually but eh. i find PvE mind numbing because grinding is mostly easy, but the time is stupid for me. PvP with friends is the best as it’s the most replay ability you will get. you said furthering yourself ingame only goes so far but learning pvp could go near infinately.

I don’t remember why i said any of this so don’t expect good answers if you ask a question.

btw eventually AO may have the same issue as deepwoken. People measured how good people were old vs new and it wasn’t that new players (verse 2) were better but that the game was easier (AO dodge reflex, exotic enchants) and so many things were really strong (attack size in AO)

i hope AO won’t have this issue for pvp or pve but it will likely happen if in the bronze sea we have builds that nuke palo town

Given the fact that the nimbus sea will give players access to higher level gear, more rare spells/techniques, and potentially their 2nd awakening. There’s a pretty decent chance it may end up like this if the balancing team is unable do anything about it.

the only way you could balance it would be like stat req increase or nerf everything to hell every update

This is a part I kind of take issue with. The intrusiveness of the various sides of the game on one another isn’t something that should be celebrated. There are some people- and I was one of them in the past, who don’t want to PVP. Flatly. It’s not fun to them, it’s boring, tedious, they find no interest in it, and just the thought of being forced out of an activity you are actively enjoying so someone else can have THEIR fun at your expense is a huge turnoff to some people.

On one hand, however, countermeasures to defend pve players like love potions end up crapping on PVP features like hunting. It’s very hard for both these types of players to inhabit the same space, especially when they only have a single side of the content in mind- and I think the game shouldn’t aim to force people to partake in both. It’s an MMO. People should be able to gravitate towards and enjoy whatever they want.

So basically, forcing both sides of the community to coexist just leads to both having miserable experiences?

yes mr yes (ok but you have to pve to get items for pvp or trading and to pve you have to learn basic combat skills to kill npc’s)

Pvp being a shonen anime fight is pretty epic in my eyes, tbh no other game has nailed this itch that I’ve had where combat movements actually resemble my favorite animes.

Best take on this topic, it’s full of fodder guh

It doesn’t have to be this way, however. I’ll try to express this as best I can. Imagine PvP players as the parents and you (the PvE enjoyer) as their son.

One day, you offered your parents to do the dishes in exchange for ice cream. Both sides gain from it; everyone is happy. But if you were forced to do the dishes for no reward, it would give rise to negativity.

For a game that focused on PvE but also included many PvP elements—renown, infamy, clans—like AO, it baffles me how criminally basic the link between those two is. They interact with each other like a basic if-else function; one gets the fun while the other suffers. Game designers attempt to circumvent it, or at the very least try to alleviate the problem by introducing mechanics that reduce loss and incentive players to fight back, not as a half-assed byproduct of preexisting mechanics (the addition of love potion shows effort is being made but it’s literally an unconditional PvP toggle which is so stupid Vetex had to add love block).

I believe that given enough time, Vetex and the community will surely come up with better solutions that don’t come at the expenses of one side. There could be mechanics that incentive fighting back instead of just straight up a PvP toggle, like reducing renown and infamy lost based on the attacker missing HP, awarding players with renown/infamy for holding their ground against LB players,etc. Some sort of monthly renown soft reset and rewards for them to go with these changes are nice too, both for PvP and PvE players. The possibilities are there, just that PvE vs. PvP isn’t the most important thing right now.

These solutions might not solve toxicity entirely or make me less annoyed when someone jumps me while I’m fishing, but at the very least if I fight back and lose, they help comfort me somewhat knowing that I successfully defended my pride and the meager 30k renown I gained from killing sirens. In a way, I successfully completed a challenge imposed by the game.


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