How Could Revon Come Back

Yeah assuming he even comes back, what would he do? I personally think he’s coming with another faction like the Grand Navy or some mercenary group to try and assasinate us because the idea of my silly little prince touching a magical cube and obtaining its powers sounds a bit too absurd for me. What are you guys thoughts

I bet he’s gonna try to find a sea curse

I don’t know if he’ll succeed, but I think he’s definitely trying. Either that or he will join our gang


He’s totally going to get like 10 levels stronger and then pretend like he can fight god at his level


maybe he can paint us as a super villain that’s going after important figures in the world and everyone except sameria and skyhall (assuming we’ll become friends with them) will help us

He’s going to show up repeatedly, always being stronger than before but much weaker than us, up until the final encounter where he’s an actual threat


what if he obtains the potential curse, where he becomes our natural enemy and stuff

Him being a recurring bossfight would be hilarious
After we beat Wotan:
“I’m finally gonna get revenge for what you did to my brother!”
Prince revon:
401 health


Potential curse user vs potential man

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three ideas:

  1. He’s a frequent/infrequent joke character similar to Zote from Hollow Knight
  2. He joins our crew eventually (similar to Robin from OP I guess???)
  3. He becomes a genuine threat, ruining our plans time from time and usually dragging things down with him (ex. appearing at Skyhall first and warning them of a “big evil murderer” (us) coming for them)

I don’t think tech’s/vetex’s humour is that good

Also anyone else wondering what’s our bounty in lore, since the grand navy knows our faces etc so we probably have a bounty or what’s edward’s bounty

You know, so far I’ve been thinking Sameria will turn their back on us, but now I’m thinking Ravenna will turn Sameria’s back on us.

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We can hope
Please vetex, give us comic relief character…

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Empress Nilah looks very chill I doubt she’ll really do anything

He is definetly getting a curse, otherwise he can’t do anything to us

Her lackies don’t
I reckon she’ll turn tail immediately, once she knows that we caused the war directly.

(to clarify i doubt he’ll ever be a genuine threat himself, as in a proper bossfight, just his actions threatening us, like warning the Navy or kingdoms of our arrival)

we already have ruby rogers

Vetex will give him the cataclysm curse

And then he slips on a banana peel and falls off a boat

did you even read my past messages :rage: