How dangerous is each magic's superpower/curse counterpart?

Nice argument, however, your mother.

you forgot about pee manipulation

pee and bread my favorite hybrid combo :clinking_glasses: :bread:

I mean for ash you could just recreate the aftermath of pompeii

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yeah i think he forgot what can cause nuclear winter

or maybe he ranked them solely on their destruction capability, poison is ranked pretty low ( for how dangerous it is ) after all

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Arsen would like to have a word with you

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oh yeah I forgot arsen has the ash curse lmao

wind should be demon

hell nah ash is a better version of poison, serves the same purpose and is wayyy more destructive, give it extreme
if you breathe it in it mixes with the moisture in your lungs to create concrete, basically drowning you in rock, and can easily destroy buildings

you could cause a whole ice age with ash

actually you seem to give planetary ones demon so give ash demon @DubiousLittleTyp0

okay damn i know it’s bad but not this bad holy hell-

It gets worse my friend
It’s also dense af, 20 cm can collapse a roof, with the ash curse you could probably collapse buildings along with it being scorching hot

@DubiousLittleTyp0 set ash to demon

idk man I mean what if the ash is just like room temperature

alos can’t you just wear a mask?

it’s not, proper ash can reach temperatures of around 800°c

it’d either burn or get hot enough to burn you

It’ll burn off

Ash curse lets you create ash, implying that it is freshly scorched ash
And even then it would bury anyone alive if they somehow survived

Basically, ash is one of the strongest elements due to its ability to induce pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis.


ash is finally demon

Typ0’s redemption arc