How do i compliment a girl without sounding like a registered sex offender

Become a girl


advanced thinking.

These replies are just too big brain for me

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Best pickup line for a nerd
“damn girl ur looking mighty f(√-1+n+2.718)”


You can just say " Hey i masturbate to anime girls, wanna be my friend "
compliment :
Yo ur pretty, wanna become a member of Cock? ( C.hurch O.f C.rimson )

what’s a compliment

Something boys rarely ever get, however highly cherished if they do get one

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I feel the pain

In the same boat as me huh?


Something nice you say to someone like positive

Wanna join cock?
Cock slowly gets bigger and more people want to be in it
( church of crimson king )

No. It kinda dumb tbh.

Do not offend sex

Being rude because someone is one gender is very stupid and they are practically “bad people” because who like someone who doesn’t like another gender.

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Pretty much

just be chill

casually just drop it in a conversation when the opportunity arises

Girls are just different man… depends which one you encounter.

Wait this doesnt make sense for this would create the equation

Say it in the form of a riddle.