How do i compliment a girl without sounding like a registered sex offender

need adivce please this is seripous

Just say you’re a registered sex defender


Haha this is something that is just straight out difficult to do. My tip would be to say it in a slightly joking way as if you are playing around. Although I basically can not talk to a girl in real life.


No problem, works for me so I am pretty sure it will work for you

I can give you an example. If complementing her eyes
“You have gorgeus looking eyes haha”

Aight, did my shot.

“Hentailover69” LMAO.

How do you say that with a username like that LOL

Think you made a typo, I’ll correct it for ya.

“How do you talk to a girl with a username like that LOL”

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professional flert

that just means you’re a simp

“Hey I just wanted to say that I think you’re really cool and I like being around you a lot.”

It’s always good to communicate your feelings, and if she can’t handle that, she doesn’t deserve you.

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this joke but ty for real advice this actually helpful lmfao

I’ve only used it once as a joke though, I’m not desperate for a gf so simping is out of the question for me

u wanna compliment her hair just go like “hey nice ribbon” or something

so “nice cock” is supposed to work right?

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Ngl, nice cock works.