How do i do luck parties

what its worth a sunken iron piece

Probably close to 1

From the digging I’ve done, it seems that this is true.
But since the fish is golden, it should drop 2 golden+ the 2 legendary, as it is a legendary. I mean, smn will have to test it

rotting it or cooking it will get ya scales

if you cook it, it only gives one scale

cooking it should give more scales than rotting it :confused:

So a golden fish is worth a sunken? Time to stop trading and get to work.

no one is going to give you a sunken piece for two legendary scales

I have sunken pieces and I’m willing to trade then for leg scales


That wouldnt make sense since cooking gives you the benefit of a meal while rotting gives you bones :skull:

I thought that legendary fish dropped only legendary scales, whether golden or not

So, if you COOK them, you get 1. If you let them ROT, you get 2

I know that, i was talking about the 2 golden + 2 legendary thing

idk, we gotta test it. wiki doesnt say anything

aight im testing it soon

they don’t, they drop only legendary scales, I’ve tried


What the necropost

dudeman never did post the video…