I would like to start hosting luck parties but i do not know what i need and how to host one. Can anyone help me?
I think i have figured out most of it from these replies, but would anyone know where i should host them? (Discord,forums,YouTube,Reddit)
Also how does the aura potion work? I seen to remember seeing the title of a Reddit post when i was going onto the forums that said “how does everyone get the effect of aura potions”
Btw a certain forumer is gonna post a spongebob “Welcome to our club” meme video here very soon…
I cant help you, but here are some things you need for POTIONS:
Legendary or Golden Fishscales(Can be obtained from rotting Legendary and Golden fish, respectively)
Some good catalysts. You will want to make an aura potion. You can use either Island Cloud Extract or Dark Sea essentia.
One more thing:
To make the party worth it, you will need payment. A few minutes before the party, ask the participants to send you one legendary fish scale per person. This way, you have enough items to be able to host more luck parties.
I dont host luck parties, so you should wait for other peoples inputs. Though, I do recommend start fishing, as you will 100% need those scales
adding onto this,
if you’re looking for people outside of forums, you could possibly charge two legendary scales per person, with maybe some 1 leg scale 1 dse if you have really good luck potions (gilded Luck V Aura, 10 legendary scales + 2 dark sea essentia in a golden cauldron, found in insanity 2+)
so if you find like 6 people you’ll be able to profit from it as well, but to reiterate you will need good potions, proof you have them, and find enough people to recoup your costs
I recommend getting a criminal file and grind cargo runs for a few hours. Dark Sea Essentia and Island Cloud Extract are both very rare from chests. Buying them will be much easier. Dont cargo run on a Hero file, as there is a risk of you losing all the money you spent on cargo.
You are a newcomer to the forums, so you should make some friends with people that are generally in the Game Discussion/Marketplace categories. If you make good friends, they can help provide materials for your parties. Though they probably wont give stuff for free, they might discount the prices. Also, if you are planning on buying materials, talk with @Nuclearman7 to find the values of what your buying. Nuclear is probably the best trader to ask the values for, so make sure to remember it! Ofc, you can also trade for materials, you dont necessarily have to buy.
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get legendary or gold scales, then get some catalysts like sunken element or dark sea essentia, make as many luck potions as possible and uh yeah
Others here mentioned golden scales and cloud extracts for example but your luck parties will fail if youre using those.
Instead, like danny said, focus on getting 10 legendary scales & 2 dark sea essentia and then find a golden cauldron in the insanity 2+ zone in the dark sea. Once youve made gilded luck 5 auras youre basically set. Max brewing skill is also a must.
Tl;dr: dont do golden scales or any non dark sea essentia catalyst and follow danny’s advice
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Clearly you dont know what a sunken element does… Dont use them on luck potions. They are used to hit BOATS with their effect. Please dont use them bro
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They are used to make the nova potions right?
You are indeed correct. Most people only want to join luck 5 parties, and if your lucky, maybe luck 4. Island cloud and Gold scales aren’t worth it for luck parties.
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i got a golden swordfish that is also legendary from a castaway how much dy think its worth
You should get a good ship build for the dark sea. Fishing in the DS has a higher chance for better fish, insanity 1-2 probably best
It is a legendary but also a golden? Theoretically, if you let it rot, you would get 2 gold scales and 2 leg scales. It’s not really worth as much in fish form, but if you let it rot, the loot= $$$$$. Probably around 25-30k total
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all legendries r automatically golden; rotting will still give u 2 leg scales as normal @onlytwentycharacters
massives arent considered golden though right?
when I caught them they were