How do y'all grind darkseas

Jade pearl and two conches.

The simple recipe that allows you to cheese any and all siren rocks due to invisibility keeping the sirens from aggroing.

For myself I enjoy the second range personally even if there are beige there
I always worry if they shown up, but they rarely do honestly
Siren rocks, as I mentioned above are basically free chests if you have invisibility potions packed
Even if Atlantean brigs do spawn I can just get rid of them and repair my own boat to loot them, or spam chainshots from my howitzer to escape them

Sail in a straight line away from the bronze sea until I get 20 sealed chests, which usually happens not long after reaching the second range. Then I turn around and sail in a straight line back while picking up any other chests I come across. I usually get close to 30 by doing this.

virge runs 120 spd and 1800 durability, elite deckhands are op

yeah, i don’t even go into range i1 anymore after i got attacked by 2 atlantean brigs back to back

if aura potions get changed so they can hit multiple people i’m going to make golden luck aura potions and go to range i4 so some people can start chest hunting golden chests there, although that might not increase the chance of getting legendary fish scales or dark sea essentia from the chests. fishing is always an option too.

dive straight into insanity 1 cos i think that’s the intended area
my guess of what vetex intended
insanity 0 - finished bronze sea story + no brig
insanity 1 - finished bronze sea story + brig
insanity 2 - finished nimbus sea story + ?
but ive never been in insanity 2 cos it usually gets too risky to go further risking 20 sealed chests

im hearing a lot of atlantean brig stories here but i’ve never seen an atlantean brig lol

sinking atlantean ships also repairs my ship so thats reason i go there

Atlanteans in Insanity 2 are at 250+. So yeah, the end of the nimbus sea story, or even the start of the sea after that.

When nimbus sea storyline finish, we will get frigate and galleon
since frigate will be available at level 180 and Galleon available at level 250 assuming that lvl cap when nimbus sea storyline finish will be lvl 250

Fighting atlantean on atlantean ship is easy enough if you got any weapon that suit for close range combat such as claw, Rapier, etc… and it easier if you are using fighting style on range 1(insanity 1 range) since atlantean there are around the player current max level(mostly below lvl 120)

Go to the second range (insanity 1) scour small islands and siren rocks if I am doing it solo, otherwise with a group of 2-4 we head to insanity 1 and scour entire islands.

With over 6 people we head to insanity 2-3 and either stealthily acquire loot or zerg rush the Atlanteans. And we would climb the ridiculously tall spires with one person each spire. Though this does not usually end well. Especially in the far reaches.

Loot a single island in the non-insanity range then sail back with whatever I have. Kind of ineffective maybe, but I value safety.

with a ketch on my warrior file, I just head into the darksea for a bit looking for an island or two, get 5 dark sealed chests and begin heading back when my 7.1k hp ship is at around 2k-4k hp

I’ve never been to the darkseas on a ketch, how far in can you go before it start taking water damage?

with the right stability build you could probably get into the second range. My ketch only has 59% stability so I’m confined to the first range.

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no way people are risking insanity 1 range with ketch. you can’t fight brigs with ketch. could totally see range 0 with ketch though

range 1 means no insanity. there are 6 ranges.

Anyways yeah ketchs are confined to the range you enter first

i think the loot gets more frequent (there is more of it) the further you go not better

necropostery :smiling_imp:

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