How do you feel about Arcane Adventures

  • I’m feeling nostalgic
  • AA sucked, AO will be much better
  • I never played AA

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im speed, i have never played but i would realy like to thats why i play AR sometimes to get that kind of feeling

i wish i could go back to when level 100 was the cap

wheres the “overrated but not bad” option


im feeling nostalgic

but AO will be better


AA was the most fun I’ve had playing a roblox game

did it have it’s glaring bugs and issues? yes. were they enough for me to consider AA a bad game? maybe. but it was fun

It was fun tbh.

My favorite moment was when an exploiter just decided to give everyone admin magics in a server. I never knew that blue fire would be so fun to use. Of course we all eventually lost those magics after dying but it was still pretty fun

Pretty darn good.

Wasn’t the holy grail or anything and it did have major bugs, and I guess it’s a bit overrated. But this game was a titan when it dropped back in 2016 with like 10k players daily, def was one of my favorites. Now it’s a relic of the past…

But WoM/AO will rise from it’s ashes

it had 10k players? how tf did I never even see it I was hella active back in 2016.

Na it was like 5k and 10k peaks

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