Want to know why no one mind your strawpool? maybe becouse the people are not complaing and farming to get the items? not like you doing the “Vetex pls its too hard to get them give me free”
sorry for the aggressivity but remember that in AA sunken warrior was 1/8000 and sunken champion was 1/40000 dude its somethign normal that you must deal with cuz vetex is the one who choose
i don’t believe fishings main focus is specifically trying to grind for sunken armor, it’s like in aa where if you did get that sunken warrior when you were fishing at the ~100 level you’d just wear it and take it off when its no longer useful, more of a niche item
I got like 2 sunken warrior sets in 3 hours in AA, traded one for a pirate lord set.
So I dunno man, it seems like the rates in AA were much more generous than the numbers implicated.
Other people keep giving similar stories, too.
you were just lucky, incredibly lucky as the chances are written in the wiki
same thign happened to my friend, he got 2 sunkens swords within 200 catches, while there is me fishing while talking in the forum with almost 900 catches
finally someone who understands fcking rng
yoou have found 2 with 1500 and there is me with 900 with 0 i want to cry
but this is rng and this an rpg and thats why its fine how it is
yeah lol ikr 20 characters
You’re actually quite lucky - even with v1.1.1 odds, you should expect to only have one piece with that many catches.
yeah ikr
20 characters
1/2000 seemed fine, I dont really see why it was changed to 1/4000. It isnt even that good of a set either way (Besides the Sword, that seems pretty good)