How do you make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?

how dare you take what’s rightfully mine

:flushed: :flushed: :flushed:

this thread deeply disgusts me

Peanut butter and jelly sandwich - Wikipedia

have a sandwich

Two things

  1. Why are there two jams in there
  2. Why hasn’t it been boiled

you forgot to deep fry it bro

There, I fried it for you :fr:

thank u >w<

sorry i’m so ineducated

what’s a flambé ?

You eat it raw

:skull: :coffin:

that’s wrong… A flambe is when a piece of meat is cooked in liquor, and that liquor is set ablaze.

its when you can eat it raw

Source: trust me

??? I was saying u eat pb and j’s raw

Idk what the hell a flambe is


Who the hell boils a sandwiche?

a psychopath.