How do you make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?

Do you microwave it? Do you boil it?


spread some peanut butter on one bread
do the same to another
fold the sandwich in half

I don’t like jelly

Bold of you to assume that I make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches

i dont

fried egg and sandwich my beloved

bold of you to assume that the question was directed to you alone

Deep fry it

Bold of you to assume that the question wasn’t directed to me alone :sunglasses:

I will deep fry you

PB&J bad i just put an entire tub of butter on two slices of bread

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step 1: get 2 bread (only the middle ones, first and last are prohibited)
step 2: get jam and peanut butter
step 3: spread jam on one slice, and peanut butter on the other side using a butter knife
step 4: combine them together
step 5: Enjoy the delicacy

interesting, i replace jelly with banana or strawberry jam


step 1: go to sleep with jeans on

step 2: brush your teeth without toothpaste

step 3: grab the first and last slices of bread

step 4: grab a meat cleaver and use that to spread the peanut butter and strawberry jam onto the bread

step 5: put the two bread slices together (DRY SIDES GO TOGETHER)

step 6: c o n s u m e


Note for step 5. You do not put the sides that have peanut butter and jam together, those are the putter layer. It is important to have the clean/dry sides pressed against each other for maximum taste.

thank you for clarifying

I can now adjust my post as necessary

you make funny nut

@ThatOneGuy you forgot to do your one job you dumb dumb



Step 1: Toast the bread
Step 2: Toast the peanut butter
Step 3: Toast the jelly
Step 4: Toast the toaster
Step 5: Toast the toaster that toasted the toaster
Step 6: Eat the toaster that toasted the toaster that toasted the toaster
Step 7: Flambé all of the remaining ingredients
Step 8: Assemble
Step 9: Enjoy!

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I die. simple as that
peanuts kill me

I much prefer Chocolate and PB sandwiches but I thought that PB&J was just slap the 2 on a sandwich and eat