How do you prefer your high jump

many small ones few big ones or in the middle and why[poll type=regular chartType=bar]

I prefer small ones because they preserve the most magic energy to use for offense and seem to be the most efficient to me butI may be wrong

my poll didn’t phunking work

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A maximum strength one and a minimum strength one, I climb with the strong one and travel somewhat horizontally with the weak one.
No I don’t do pvp.

minimum strength.
Almost always.
It allows me to FLYYYYYYYYYYYY
i’ll probably get rid of it once actual magic fly comes.

I make my High Jump Spell have 70% strength.
Why? It is the most efficient jump strength in my opinion, and is probably the best strength for PvP.


Purpose of high jump is to maintain height in PvP. T-jumps are for boosting off ground. Especially with solid magics you can charge on your pillar for infinite height.

Agreed. It uses a low amount of magic while allowing you to get decent air.

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i use medium high jump forward so it can help both in combat and in mobility

100% power and forward

70 percent forward.

Extra words

30% forward for infinite flight

70% is highly efficient if your goal is to achieve as much height as you can while preserving energy. It’s not ideal for PvP based on the info in this thread, but it is definitely ideal for getting out of PvP.

100% for easy escape, 30% forward for travelling