How do you think spirit weapons are gonna work?

This isn’t the first time I heard about a potential spirit imbue so either it’s 100% true or this is one giant prank being pulled off by every patreon subscriber

I have sources…

Isn’t the uncensored version of this public? I don’t remember where I downloaded the image from, I thought it was on the forums but I can’t find it so now idk.

Well I don’t think it was supposed to be leaked, so Im erring on the side of caution.

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Given how vetex is keeping information regarding spirit energy rather secretive from the public, I assume he wouldn’t want any being leaked until they actually release

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Yeah, when I saw the screenshot of the whole thing, I was worried because it actually sounded a little too lore relevant, in a sense that it literally revealed something that we didnt know about the lore beforehand. Enough so to be considered genuine spoilers.

But theres not much that could be done since everyone was already talking about it, so I just did too. Man…

Probs should be best we reduce talking about the full screenshot then

I saw a screenshot a while ago of vetex saying that sharing a screenshot from the patreon chat isn’t considered a patreon leak

Yeah but until I see that I’m not really sure I want to go around spouting patreon chat stuff.

Okay, now thats just tempting me to say something Vetex said there. (Its not spoilers, it was just Vetex saying “I cant say something about this cause its spoilers”, so all it confirms is that the story will also uncover info about that later on)

Eh, yeah. This was posted 17 days ago in the AO Riddle thread thingy
(If you don’t feel like getting spoiled with the spirit weapon lore early, don’t click the image)



> Wardens are holy and every other build is unholy

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So you just have find a finite number of spirit weapons?

I mean in lore that’s nice and all but that’s not really practicle once players start having dozens of weapons piled in their inventory…

Some of these can be named replicas, for example. Maybe some god-blessed blacksmith forged a lot of replicas of true spirit weapons some centuries ago

oh look another person who gets bullied because of their build preference
nice to meet you

magic is literally a direct gift from the gods (even tho prometheus technically isn’t a god, but eh)

Both were gifts from the gods, it’s just that one was given by Prometheus and the other was from a drunk Zeus

Why Zeus? Shouldn’t it be Hephaestus? He is the god blacksmith after all

It was a joint effort, one made the spirit weapons and the other made the spirit users

I wanna see barrier magic spell return from AA with spirit weapons

Actually, if theres mix of norse and greek mythology in AO, the god who made spirit weapons is more likely Thor than Hephaestus. Just remember his hammer