its been an hour i need to get out pls
Purple needle points towards nearest sea cluster (only bronze sea for now) and white needle points away, so further into the dark sea where you’ll go through the ranges
purple? the darker one ?
nvm got home, thanks
why the fuck would the purple one point towards the bronze sea, i cant even say with words how fucking mad i am at this game. i just lost 10+ dark sealed chest because ive been going the wrong way this whole fucking time why would the dev make the purple one not the dark sea? why the fuck would he do that
Trial and error my guy-surely if you were following the white needle and went into the insanity ranges you would have the sensible brain to turn around…
the normal compasses point towards north, with the point that does being colored.
the dark sea compass points towards sea clusters, with the point that does being colored.
Ay you’re a lightning mage! Welcome to the club! What’s your second magic? Mine’s water
Hmmm. Uh is there a lightning and wind synergy?
no, but theres the storm sygnergy
waht does that do?
explode and die
It says in wiki that blue points towards the nearest sea center
why did bro have to necrobump
It used to be that the purple needle pointed towards the nearest sea cluster, and white was deeper. Recently, however, Vetex updated the game so that there is no longer a white needle, and the purple one points deeper.
Also, welcome to the forums.
I feel like the dark sea compass change might confuse a lot of people, especially people who don’t read or check the trello often
nothing a few deaths can help
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