How does he keep doing this

You physically can’t make this sh*t up

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again? (incaps)

not my goat

am I your goat… baa

quit it deron

don worry if he keeps fucking around he is goner next time~!

@DeronChepem NOOO


Does [P4] mean rule 4? I don’t see how reactions are related to causing drama, if you’re that affected by having your notifications bombarded by Deron’s reactions then take a break from the internet. You’d think it’d be one of the other reasons people discussed.

4P means Deron has accumulated 4 points in a hidden punishment system that warranted 7 days ban. Should he receive more points then punishments will be more severe until it’s a permanent suspension

Section 3. Punishment System

We are safe finally once more

Spamming reactions still doesn’t seem like an entirely valid reason to give someone points. It’s not like he’s spamming posts with the reaction, but I suppose if people are getting upset over it then it does in a way become drama. I personally don’t get it, I mostly just ignore it or go “oh, there’s Deron reacting again” then move on with my day.

Will Deron get permabanned before the new year and his points reset? Tune in next time

we are freed for another 7 days…