How durable are ao characters in lore?

Honestly I keep thinking how mages with magic like lightning,lava,plasma,and acid should really fucking hurt you but obviously in game it just gives a temporary status effect

I know magic is supposed to imitate the real thing but exactly how deadly where those type of mages ?

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I’ve thought about this, and I think magic is just generally weaker than the real deal. You gotta be a big deal if you want to imitate the real kind of stuff.
And then there is water. How is water going to kill you just by slapping against you?!?!?!!


I assume humans aren’t all that durable given the fact that someone like peacekeeper can be taken down by a gunshot. If I had to guess how humans are able to endure these hits then my guess would be that they’re shielding their bodies with their own magic energy to soften the blows

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magic energy → intent to harm → interact with other magic energy → murder damage kill death???

magic energy > intent to harm > Healing Magic > derrrrrr…

yeah see everything in the aoverse has some magic energy
im sorta talking about the “neutral” (heavy air quotes) magic energy that does whatever tf in your body (i am making shit up)

(he is talking about spirit energy) :pensive:

counterargument: im killing you

Why does spirit energy exist? How does it contribute to your life force in such a way that throwing it away makes your hurt? Why will it not do that after Full Release? What purpose does it serve?

Water is suprisingly heavy
It can tire out you easily irl
And then you die of drowning

well yeah its like 800 fucking times denser than air mr “water is heavy”

though it would be hard hit peacekeeper due to how powerful he is

I thought this was an exaggeration but then I looked it up damn ig that does make sense

We do get hit by the random spawning lightning strikes, they’re also likely made of magic but wouldn’t that make them stronger if from the weather(Dark sea lightning strikes should be SIGNIFICANTLY stronger aswell)

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Either that or mages are just really durable because there’s no way you get him with lava and just get slight burns :sob:

do you live in some landlocked country where you never see water

I mean, unless I go all the way north to a lake, yes.

I’ve been to a beach, but water magic is just not enough water.

you have never been slapped by water before…

water can be pretty dangerous, at high pressure it can cut through your entire body

The pressure from a water blast ain’t coming from anywhere.
You guys don’t understand that I have a squirt-able sports water bottle that can match a water beam better than a firearm can match explosion magic.