How good is chef profession?

i want to get a chef deckhand as profession but i wanna know if its good or now
as in, can someone send me images of the chef’s (preferably maxed) cooked meals? (hunger, status effects, etc)

it’s not worth at all they steal your leg scales

not worth

Literally anything else is better

Not worth it

Okay but is the meals good
That’s what I wanna know

unless they changed it, no. the chef only cooks the 1 fish by itself so the hunger sucks

they do use stronger seasonings depending on their level but yeah don’t expect to get good hunger from them

also they’ll slowly fill your inventory with meals like crazy, I used to have one back in the day (the update was new i didn’t know any better) and my screen still freezes every time I open my 200 hour slot’s inventory

absolute dogwater, a direct downgrade to getting the fish raw.

Okay yeah no that’s pretty trash
I’m better off getting my character’s fish diet from fishing myself

The only down grade In my opinion, is that your crew doesn’t give you the fishes they’ve got because it gets cooked by the chef,

I have a max chef and I haven’t had much of a food problem

How good are the buffs though? With that I mean the recovery tier and duration

if you wait for a good while then (afaik) they combine the fish into massive meals i haven’t had to cook in years

but also if i can change my chef’s profession i would in an instant


The tier of recovery is just determined by the highest rarity fish in the dinner so most of them are just recovery I or II

I don’t believe chef deckhands use that one seasoning that trades duration for buff tier

Sun caraway does that
Horizon rosemary gives fortified, garlic reduces all effects by 1 tier (real useful for chefs), I think pepper is effective with foods with different types of ingredients and clove is better with mushrooms, dunno about cardamome
And ofc the random weed

hey hey, sea kale is a pretty good one

okay, so it gives food equivalent of perfect meal thats 1 fish + 1 seasoning?


so its trash?