How I won a 5v7 Clan War ft Ult Art Cannon Abuse (War Chronicles #1)

Ok so im ngl my fps was way too bad to record it, so you guys just get a story

The server started out like this
I had joined the server and went to claim harvest island for my clan so we could earn some passive infamy, but I was also very aware that I was likely to be attacked by the members of the clan
As I was solo.

Eventually, one of them came to attack harvest (a size warrior with vatrachos gear), and he was incredibly unsuccessful as I was on a Size Earth mage + I’m just goated

After this, he probably did a war ping in their discord because they started flooding the server. As I honestly planned to attack first, I pinged my own server for reinforcements before the guy had even showed up, after I told my clanmates that someone showed up, they apparently actually were interested in joining (almost like I expected this to happen…)

“He who is prudent and lies in wait for an enemy who is not, will be victorious.” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

War Tip #1: Don’t attack first if possible, you give yourself the advantage if you prepare for the enemy and wait.

After both clans called in reinforcements, the major war began to happen. I’m assuming they had an island with barracks, as there were already 3 islands claimed by them in the server.

We began to engage in serious combat, and unsurprisingly, they weren’t able to break into my clan’s harvest save slot without glitching through gates. Unfortunately for them, I fully expected this to happen and had prepared a Power Focus + Ultimate Art Earth Cannon lined up right at the gate they were coming in through, and the two leading force started the fight 600 hp down, courtesy of post nerf cannon.

“If you know the enemy and know yourself, you need not fear the result of a hundred battles.” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

Eventually they managed to break in, and the war ended up as a 5v7 in their favor.


But what they didn’t expect was for my experienced clan mates to be adept at combat, and we began to push them back out of harvest. Notably, I used Ultimate Art Cannon at least 8 times and did quite insane damage. In addition, my 300 damage self explosions were both blinding and high damaging, another useful feature of size earth mage builds.

“In the midst of chaos, there is also opportunity.” - Sun Tzu, The Art of War

After we had successfully pushed them out of Fort Harvest, I decided to attempt to take their limestone island claim for my own clan. I was unsuccessful however, as I ended up fighting their leader who is a speed shadow mage, the exact counter to my build. I was unable to parry properly due to low fps, and I perished to their umbral hexes. (yo his writing is this fire?)

“A leader leads by example, not by force.” -Sun Tzu, The Art of War

While I was occupied at limestonee, two of their clan members managed to glitch in (again) and attempted to destroy the barracks at harvest island (if you have an island like me, don’t be stupid and use tier 2 barracks, use tier 4 so they can’t break it with attacks.

I’m rather tired of writing the story, and i’ve already forgotten most of it, but the major lesson is…


If I was on a more 1v1 oriented build, there is NO way I would’ve been able to hold my own against them. The slot was originally an earth conjurer, but my attacks weren’t big enough for war, so I swapped to mage. If you’re in a large clan and you KNOW you’re going to be doing a lot of wars, use one of the builds with War in the name (Warlock, Warlord, Warrior) or a mage, as they have the most utility in combat. Conjurer is okay, but it’s much better at 1v1s.

If you’re curious what Earth Mage build I use (or i guess plan to use because i’m upgrading mine) here is the link
High defense, high power, high size, perfect for fighting on islands.

If you’re interested in joining MY clan, (the green one), here’s the discord link. We aren’t very strict on invites, just be active and earn infamy. We also have a fort at limestone key in addition to harvest island, and more are coming soon.

Should I make this a series on the forums?

That’s all for this tale, archrono out. :wave:

I have way too much free time



good read tho i love me a good war story

damn you even quoting the actual Art Of War

not an oxymoron pal, I am the goat of spamming self explosion and and massive blasts . This is the real reason my ego is massive, not because of YouTube like some formers think :smirk_cat:


“Let me put in some unrelated Sun Tzu quotes in order to look cool as fuck”
topic’s title led me to believe that you were fighting against a cannon abuser, you weren’t.
Also, what? Why is the moral of your story to immediately use an interchange potion in order to get a stat build that lets you beat the enemy?

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I AM the cannon abuser , all is fair in war + it’s really good for fort castrum

This man is NOT european

did this war give you ptsd? you seem to recount every detail

nah it was a couple hours ago recent and i was there from start to finish so

The first time’s not a warcrime

Forgive me if I’m wrong, but since tier 4+ barracks can’t be destroyed by attacks doesn’t that mean someone could put their barracks too high or too far inland for siege equipment to reach it and make it extremely difficult to take the island cause there’s no way to stop the respawns?

That aside, this was extremely entertaining to read, I would like to actually see a series about this. I hope to see one about a successful attack cause so far a lot of people have been saying its too hard for attackers. Be real cool to see someone pull it off on an at least somewhat competent base.

I could try

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