How is one banned indefinetly

the rules allow using another account so long as it was made after the ban, so if i really wanted to play the game for some reason id do that. i mean me id just ditch the game out of laziness, but if i had to… at least i wouldnt wait months or years just to play on the same account with all data lost, at this point an alt is way better

anyway, this is their second chance, theres no point unbanning their main account when it doesnt benefit them, requires more moderation and thought process, and makes punishments appear way less severe

Tbh the recording thing for ban appeals so dumb asf, not everyone recording 24/7

evidence: trust me bro

eh id say it depends on what you were banned for. sometime requiring evidence is more than justified, and your pc isnt gonna completely die from having medal or shadowplay in the background

Some people play on potatos, like me and spamming e to open chests during a lag spike and then getting banned doesnt really feel fair.

yeah but you aint gonna need evidence if all you did was open 3 chests quickly

vetex already said multiple times he will never forgive exploiters

cope and seethe aque

wth? people get banned for that? that’s so unfair, that’s happened to me dozens of times

The one island has like 6 chests all together thats what i grabbed idk man
kinda wack

then why are people saying you shouldn’t have “exploited” when you just suffered a lag spike?

i have no evidence so everyone just assumes exploit and talks trash like they are all high and mighty

we say this because someone tried to do EXACTLY the same thing on the forums and it turned out they WERE exploiting

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Wasn’t it mentioned that there aren’t any false positives when it came to chest exploits a while back as well?

Dunno if that’s changed at all or not.

if i play roblox with medal on
i better start praying that my pc wont explode
mine is truly that bad