How is Operation: Better Wiki so far?

someone deleted the messages :sob:

fine, turkish
are you happy now

schizophrenia at its finest


your just wrong
most bad edits have been reverse in less than 12 hours 100% garuantee you can’t find a time when troll edits haven’t been erased in less than 24 hours

Fandom in general sucks anyway, and to my knowledge there’s far more trolling possible on Fandom then the more “secure” Miraheze.

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he made a troll edit and it wasnt reversed for like a week lol

But it also means it’ll take longer to update

No? Aslong as we communicate and have trusted people to work on it we’ll know who’s putting in information and who’s trolling.
We’re not just taking any random and having them manage without telling us anything, we have structure.

Well that’s what’s so great about publicly editable wikis. Nobody has to be an expert.
It has good and bad bits, but I like the good.

just make sure to yk manage the trolls

I do my part.