How Long Ago was the Winterveil Extermination?

Asking this 'cause me and a friend are arguing about it. He’s saying that a character of his lived to see it while the character isn’t that old in the present day (around in his 20s or so), while I am saying that it must’ve happened decades ago

2 generations ago at least considering it was calvus’s grandpa

True, not only that but Nero also had a curse, so he could’ve lived for who knows how long until his son Octavious took over. Though there is Nero who has a similar family tree in terms of how it went. So I assume it didn’t happen like hundreds of years ago but possibly a few decades? Maybe 5-6?

Something something Kessler is actually Neviros great grandfather but just calls him grandfather bc he looks young yada yada blah blah blah

A hundred years ago because the grand navy formed around then

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But the receptionist in Silverhold says that around 20 years ago the Grand Navy formed? It did exist before then but it was a kingdom instead. I might be misremembering something but I am sure about the receptionist at Silverhold

That was a mistake, if you check back now it’s been corrected to say “a hundred years ago”

Oh really? I’ll go check real quick, thanks for informing me! :3

I’ve only checked the shieldguard one, but both should be fixed. Funnily this mistake was brought to attention cause I didn’t understand the whole Nero-Winterveil-GN timeline as well and asked Vetex about it in the patreon chat and he started saying stuff about it being 100 years ago. And I was all like “but the GN only came about like 20 years ago according to the receptionist”, and then he was like “oh that’s a mistake” and fixed it.

Anyways the Winterveil extermination happened probably 2 years before the GN was formed as Nero was arrested by the coalition formed to stop him 2 years before the GN was formed and both events probably happened in the same year.

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Yeah they updated it

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Alright good to know

Oh I see, so around 100 years ago it formed, fair fair. Thanki for your contribution, it really helped out :3
Same with Frigidus, both of you helped me figure out the rough estimate of the Winterveil Extermination

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No problem, glad I could help!

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so nero caused the grand navy huh…

its like the hitler and the UN

at least a week ago i think