How long are we going to have bosses that are in a "weakened state"?

Theos beat a guy with, like, 10 of them. There’s no way that we’re spanning the entire 600 levels without stacking up to Theos.

Oh yeah no doubt, just not for a while yet

Didn’t theos have 2 mutations and like 50 years of training by that point?

Theos was him and durza was a fraud

Wouldn’t we have, like, 2 mutations and 50 years of waiting by then too?

Theos was also born with god-like potential

Isn’t Maria just a regularly strong pirate captain with no excuse for why we won

That’s your reason. She’s just somebody. She only has all that power in her head because she can murderize level 50s.

Pirates don’t really wage war that often, so she hasn’t much experience with kingdom-level threats.
Then again, she is part of a pirate group that just waged war.

Ok, that’s still not weakened though

Exactly. I pointed her out as doing her best. She’s not part of the “problem”.

this has probably been already pointed out but the fact that Julian only stalemated against a newbie curse user is… not great to say the least.

even though Morden has the death curse, julian supposedly has been intensely training for probably a decently long amount of time. The fact he basically had to retreat against some newbie who only had their curse for about 3-4 weeks at the time of the events that fight took place in, it does not help Julian’s case.

I’m calling it, we are going to fight Julian, and it’s going to be some kind of message as to how hard work can easily surpass natural talent or situation, and how ego & hubris are the downfall of a person’s potential or something like that.

Kind of funny but the name Julian actually means “Youthful” so I wonder if Julian being this dickish arrogant snob is actually just representing immaturity in a sense, though with the amount of training he’s had such immaturity would’ve surely vanished by now, clearly he hasn’t been learning the right lessons…

Wow this was a yap session jeez sorry for the rant

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Ok then we aren’t fighting weak people anymore, this topic has no purpose

The death curse is just below the grand fire curses in terms of power, so it immensely carries morden and gives him a huge power boost despite not having it for long

We also forget that Morden is like us in that he’s related to the gods somehow, so he’s also likely abnormally strong with a very fast growth rate

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Does that really matter? Morden even says he himself can’t really control the death curse (or at least heavily implies it) so Julian, an experienced elemental curse user, is foddling against someone who, while yes, being “special” and having the death curse, barely has any curse experience at all. That’s kind of embarassing.

Actually, does Morden even HAVE combat experience??? like at all??? he’s a huge pacifist and we have NEVER seen him fight really anyone besides that one time he punched the ensign in the face (he made US fight them btw)

now look typ this is like getting mad that the knife fighter with tons of knife combat experience and skill heavily struggles to beat the lad with a spear

The lad with the spear… can barely even swing the damn thing :sob:

Then again both of the people in this fight are idiots and I’m shocked Julian wasn’t like “oh fuck this guy has a good curse I need to lock in” and used a more effective strategy but whatever

Or Mike Tyson vs a guy with a gun

From my experience, when characters in any midia say that they can’t control their powers, they usually mean they just unleash everything at 100% without any technique to it

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Exactly, lack of control doesn’t mean lack of power

I don’t think a professional basketball player accurately represents the level of lethality that an experienced glass curse user supposedly can have but okay

then again Julian has the mental capacity of a kick streamer so I guess we can’t make too crazy of an analogy