How many Calvus items = a Sunken Sword?

Give me a number. I read from at least one post where they say 4-5 Calvus sets do the trick, which puts it at 16-25 calvus items depending on if you include the Triasta.

Because Im broke as shit and I have no seasonals, I suppose the only way for me to get anything Sunken is to a) fish for a quarter of my lifetime or b) mass-farm boss drops, and I guess you already know what choice I went ahead with.

(I’ve killed Calvus almost 300 times, the drop chance does not like me at all :sleeper:)

Possibly like between 6-8 full sets? Can’t really give an accurate answer since it’s just not a trade that happens.

Simply put you won’t be able to get a sunken sword though only grinding calvus, I’d suggest getting a smaller amount and either getting enough to get sunken armour pieces on the forum or lowball in-game. You can also just skip all of that and directly lowball by adding random enticing-looking drops for someone’s sword in-game and you might get it right away through that if you’re lucky.

best if you can keep everything in one trade. go trade for seasonals or something then convert those to a sword. you can occasionally find someone selling them for around 30k galleons. I got a few that way and I don’t even grind bosses (I can’t anyway since I’m story-locked lol!)

It’s a kinda of weird backwards piece of the economy where sunkens and seasonals are so personally valued- unless you overpay a crap ton with regular items people aren’t usually willing to trade DOWN in value to just regular ol’ boss items.

Couple that with the fact we all know Calvus items WILL depreciate in value eventually.

I am like the one person willing to downgrade my sunken sword. :nod:

Dont. You can get a trade for 7 seasonals then trade some seasonals for other useful items

me who wants to downgrade my sunken armor and seasonals but no one has ingredients :frpensive:

4 rotten guppies, take it or leave it

I’m sorry, but as a good-natured merchant I will have to decline your offer as you are heavily overpaying. I suggest learning more about item values before someone else takes advantage of your highly valuable and sought-after rotten guppies

No one is taking my sword for 6 even :cry:

Sunkens have a consensus & seasonals kind of for just which seasonals have more value, that’s it though.

Sure any item can have a personal value to anyone though only to an extent where for example if you ask for what you think is fair but is considered overpay on the marketplace the buyer simply won’t trade with you, so it’s just more beneficial to not have a delusional value sense

Kinda just how the forum marketplace works, you always have to overpay by a certain amount for the convenience Ig

They already did

No, they are going to ACTUALLY drop like a rock. When any nimbus sea content comes out with a boss post-Calvus he just won’t be top dog anymore.

Kind of just common sense no…? I’m 99% sure the vast majority of players know that when new item with higher level cap releases = old item with lower cap becomes worthless

Not much point mentioning this though because that update is many months away

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