How many clean sunkens are my Hard sunken leggings and Powerful sunken chestplate

Whats the value of the leggings and chestplate seperately?

hard sunken boots = 3-5 clean sunkens. Really depends on which sunkens youre getting. Chests> boots>helmets so 5 clean sunken helms or 3 clean sunken chests or 4-5 if its a mix of chests, boots and helmets. If its only boots then also about 4-5

Powerful sunken chest is roughly equal to, if not slightly more valuable than your hard sunken boots. So its value would either be equal to above ^, or slightly more in boss drops (like 1-3 boss armours)


wait why are helmets lower than boots?

Helmets stat wise arent that great. They contest with amulets, wiz hats etc which are just much better. Theyre also the least sought after and somehow people seem to fish up more sunken helms than any other sunken piece.

3 boss drops for a sunken piece? jeez that’s a whole new panorama

Thats added on to the ^ part

Should have made it clearer looking back on it but it seems the topic creator understood

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