How many furries are there on the forums (featuring the 500th argument with stocksounds!)

what can I say I don’t like how they act in regards to theories they have (treating them as objective fact)

I was agreeing that it isn’t the only possibility with Aether, but Nilah’s Curse is absolutely Sun.

okay now this thread is officially derailed

lets get back to the point

Alright, gonna defend furries pretty simply:

The human brain enjoys forbidden things. While people like me may not directly be a furry (I simply enjoy kemonimimi, which is more like Izutsumi from Dungeon Meshi), we understand the NSFW parts are strange and shouldn’t be encouraged.

As for the people that simply enjoy the suits, or the content, I see no harm. They made the 300 dollar fursuit, they’ll do what they wish with it, it is not my problem.

People have their opinions and hobbies. Some are weird, but that’s fine. Don’t harass people with their unique things, they are interesting and fun to learn about!


Just respect people as long as they aren’t doing anything IMMORAL. Being weird isn’t immoral. Be kind!

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dont worry I can fix it :100:

For 300 dollars, you get a set of cardboard armor with a snout.

topic rerailed

ill say it again

Im not opposed to the existence of furries, heck I’m fine with the nsfw, the problem I have is how prominent they are on so many kids platforms. unrestricted internet access is a curse, but even with a supposedly safe for kids platform like Roblox, if kids decide that furry avatar looks cool, they’ll wear it, etc. etc. until they are a furry, and end up exposed to nsfw content unintenially at a young age.

I usually am kind to furries on Roblox, the reason dunk on them in games though is to make them seem unappealing to anyone watching. if I’m playing a more mature game for older audiences or am in a place without children, I’m completely fine with them

stock is just completely misinterpeting my argument

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You’re still saying that furries shouldn’t be allowed to be represented to children.

I am not privy to the cost of what HAS to be insufferably exhausting to wear. Seriously, the heat, the weight? I am genuinely concerned if heat stroke is a concern for them.

Genuinely, this is a thought I always can’t help but have whenever I see a fursuit. Just “isn’t it hot in that?”


young children shouldn’t be exposed to a fandom that has so much nsfw and creeps in it.

this is like such an inherently dumb arguments because we’ve technically been exposing anthro characters to children for literal centuries basically

I see where you are coming from now tbh but idk

yeah but there’s a difference as I’ve said before

Furries shouldn’t be considered inherently NSFW just because children might be exposed to art they’d be exposed to anyway with such internet access.

I’m saying without that internet access if exposed to stuff like this they’ll end up in a bad place

also that’s not the reason they are inherently nsfw, that is because of the existence of a fur fetish, resulting in the large amount of nsfw

so if i drew a furry
do i count as one now?
(replying to topic btw)

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“Furries should be marginalized so that we can marginalize them”

“If a child becomes a furry, they’ll be exposed to bad art automatically”

You say you know that furries aren’t inherently NSFW, but you seek to keep them down to prevent people from being exposed to NSFW.

Damn you guys almost beat me and dubious’ record