How many furries are there on the forums (featuring the 500th argument with stocksounds!)

no im saying furrys are inherently nsfw, im saying the PEOPLE might not be.

the fuck do you mean by this

am i being racist or something


Surprisingly, a random (SFW) pokemon TF video in my youtube recommendeds so many years ago got me aware of furries.

I once found out I was not the only one who found out about them that way lmao.

Also, does it count if my main OC is sometimes a scalie?

Doesn’t really change my answer though because of other stuff


Just stop. You’re damaging to the furry community, and to me.
If I trusted moderators, I would have this thread closed.
Just keep your mouth shut about furries if this is what you have to say.

the copium is real with this one

the fact about the internet is you are going to be exposed to opinions you dont like, that you find vulgar even, there are thousands of people on the internet from different backgrounds, cultures, experiences, and sometimes those people aren’t going to mix well with you. I have my reasons for believing this, you have yours for not. you are not in command of me for having a supposedly bad opinion

there’s a reason block and mute buttons exist on social media

Years ago, I created an OC that is basically a human and a dragon sharing a body. They can become each other’s forms at will (even partially for quick spells) and have a sort between form which combines the best of both worlds (including in terms of magic).

Coincidentally, I pretty much created an OC with zoan-devil-fruit powers before ever watching One Piece.

so that one elden ring dlc item?

They are? How?

It’s not about what I do and don’t like about what you’re saying right now.
You’re saying harmful and misrepresentative things, and I need you to not continue.

Never played Elden Ring :shrug:

99% of furries are naked.

But not all of them have the bits that are NSFW


the existence of a fur fetish

sure there are probably fetishes for most things, but the fact this fandom perfectly aligns with this one means there’s going to be a significantly elevated number of weirdos in it. if there was a feet fandom or something I’d be saying the same thing, even if most people there were just interested in the anatomy or something

These are the drawings that depicts them, he is talking about how the concept of furries is inherently NSFW.

Ah ok

Honestly in a practical standpoint.

Furries are not INHERENTLY NSFW, however they are associated HEAVILY.

I get that not all furries are “Bad” but it comes to a point seeing the internet.
Most furries are constantly associated with LGBTQ(Not being yk yk) And 18+ Topics, by that I mean the bad side.

Numerous fan arts, nsfw, Horrendous fan fics, and violent shipping wars were created by many furries across the web which slowly downgraded them…

It’s why everyone hates furries and such today, they’ve made such a bad image for themselves that the only thing us people can think of today is “Cringe” “Zoophile” when we even side eye one.

And tbh this is completely me but I feel being a furry just is stupid, promoting the ideal that you are an animal human hybrid generally is the basis for cringy oc’s and stupid degenerate topics.

You have got to stop spreading harmful information.

Fair enough

However, I don’t understand how that makes all of them inherently NSFW.
yrni0 did raise a fair point about it though.