How many galleons are each seasonal worth individually?

Im looking for some professional opinions here, thanks!

A bit hard to say since seasonals are the types of items people prefer to trade items for rather than sell for galleons, I guess something around 1.5-3k(?) galleons could be considered fair, but you may need to add more to incentivize players to sell them, it depends on how lucky you are really. Their value is decently similar to calvus drops although I haven’t really seen anyone sell calvus drops for galleons so I couldn’t tell ya for sure.

A Great revival

but, i dont think anyone will trade seasonal for galleons. You can trade them second-handedly, by exchanging galleons for other items that you will use to buy seasonals for, but i dont think anyone will accept “Galleons for Seasonal” trade

Good thing this was revived cuz the number I gave was way off

No; infact a lot of people go out of their way to sell their seasonals for galleons, from what I’ve seen it’s kinda whoever just gives the most per seasonal or around the 10k-15k galleons ballpark.

oh my,

the more you know

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