How many legendary charts have you solved?

one time when i tried to upgrade deckhands back when they required renown, i’ve beaten my rival like around 100 times and got alot of rares, exotics and like 5+ legendaries, i have screenshots of them but i can’t be bothered to dig for it rn.

(Keep in mind that my Rival’s BS and probably harder than your rival, but it depends really.)

The best part about having lots of charts is that you can decide which island you want to dig at, and you might even be able to randomly dig and hit a treasure spot

Nuh uh, my rival keeps spamming flying phoenix and it’s really annoying

dang bro, that might be harder than my rival who instead spams piercing gale, but he has other BS to pull out of out his pockets.

At least they don’t use guns. I can’t imagine fighting a level 160 rival that uses guns everyday.

my rival just does trident throw, their aim is so bad

ngl Piercing Gale sometimes feels so fast it feels like a jumpscare (because my rival usually casts it after spamming alot of magma shit, and my vision of attacks is limited from particle amount), it really needs a nerf smh.

i have a magma mage, and pulsar on it is literally a smoke screen, magma’s more blinding than light magic i swear

think i have a wood magma savant that is mainly magic focused who usually uses staff and shortsword moves.

iirc ive done about 15?

My rival has aimbot multishot rush he has all the warrior ranged attacks

You have done goofed.

my rival uses explosion + flintlock + basic combat (but bro only uses multishot and crash for some reason and his ult art is a jump??)

at this point i dont care about any charts i get unless its arkusius keep or frostmill/whitesummit to have a chance at that frozen/blasted arcsphere

My last chart I lost by trying to open the secret 5 chests at palo and somehow hitting two explosive barrels

i havent even attempted to solve any charts if they dont have limestone key as the first spot

is limestone key rare or something

Moderately rare, the rarest chart is mango isle which only has 4 ground parts and two…? sand parts

i’ve got two glitched Mango island charts in my life, one was a common and one was a legendary.

ngl rivals breaks the laws of arcane odyssey and becomes a certain build while being able to invest in different usually locked stats and prob don’t do reduced damage from thing out of their class