How many powerful scrolls is an acrimony worth?

Was just looking through my inventory to see if I had any jellyfish ingredients for potions and found out I had one of these

So I just want to know how many powerful scrolls this is worth

a sunken chestpiece

Could I get the sw helmet with it then? Cause that would be super helpful for a build I’m making

0.2 powerful scrolls in my book mb
(I ddon’t really know uh mrrp mrrp meow meow newah)

2 or 0.2?

Oh ok then

A bit below 3 powerful scrolls = an acrimony

2.8 powerful scrolls = acrimony
So maybe 2 powerful and an armored?

Yes that would work

Yeah you can get an SW helmet with it and a few galleons.

(10k or so)

Well I’ve got a hold of one now, but thanks for answering

Oh, did’ja fish it up?

fished up a different sunken that i already had and traded it for one

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