How many reoccuring quests are there?

Ones I can think of:

Ruby Roger
Arwald or whatever the privateer
Cerunno guy

…you meant recurring characters?

ah yes ruby roger my favourite reoccuring quest


theres Revon who we will most definitely meet again

Jullian is a slight maybe, he’ll probably stay back to gaurd the kingdom

we might meet the mage, warrior and berserker at sailor’s lodge again, espcially the mage guy since he said he’ll be willing to teach us once we’re stronger

theres the Cerruno guy ( and his son )

yeah thats about it


we will see julian again 100% (vetex said so)

oh yeah the kingdom girl, would be fun to see her again

trying to make one without any land

Revon and Julian will 100% be seen or at least mentioned again; Revon wants revenge for Calvus, while Julian would want to both avenge the king and make things even with Morden. He’s probably gotten stronger since fighting him to keep Morden from instakilling him.

The Sailor’s Lodge pure builds will probably return. Steleus and Kjartan are the most likely, since one said he’d teach us when we’re a lot stronger and Kjartan is traveling to learn Fighting Styles. Meng Ozun would probably give us a quest to shut the hell up if he returns. Ambanes probably won’t leave Sailor’s Lodge, unless his spiritual journey to the Epicenter involves physical travel.

Gaul Treviri is a definitive return, since he’s trying to find Cernunno and all he has is that he isn’t in the Bronze Sea. Ruby Roger is just a gag character, so he’ll probably return at some point.

I really want to see Maya return at some point, because it’d be really cool seeing how empires are set up in the War Seas. We know it involves war, treaties, and a ton of genocide, but Maya only wants to set it up peacefully. How she’s going to do that when there’s a bunch of fighting and an actively-hostile Keraxe at the time of the story is beyond me.

shes gonna get the earth curse and raise a whole a$$ continent up at the end trust me

so THAT’S what the empty space north west of the bronze sea is for

revons name literally means ‘i will return’ in latin how do you not have him :sob:

sorry I’m not fluent in latin like you bro

meanwhile Calvus means Bald
King Bald Caesar the Fourth