How much headless worth

bruh what it worth cuz i havn’t played since it was worth like 3 strong sunken swords

Lol, its worth over 10 strong sunken swords now.

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Headless value has skyrocketed. Its now worth 50+ seasonals or 10+ sss like darkzoul said. Ss value has decreased a lot while seasonal value has increased massively

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Think it maight have to do with the trust of seasonals. More people trust the value of normal seasonals then the very rare headless

What does that have to do with my answer or the question???
Also if that really was the case then you wouldnt expect headlesses to go for 50+ seasonals. Something like 20 or less would make more sense so that just isnt true either

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I was just theorizing, not trying to offend you, sorry if it sounded strange or wrong.

And why 20 seasonals, based on what?
Humans have never made sense, diamonds in real life are completely overpriced too, for no apparent reason other than cause

Ah alright, i was just confused so dw about it

Well you said people might trust regular seasonal value more than headless’s value. In that case it would make more sense for a headless to worth like 20 seasonals instead of 50. Similarily to diamonds, headlesses are only valuable because of their rarity their looks. Ig you could call them overpriced but making seemingly worthless/less valuable things overpriced is simple human nature :man_shrugging:. Just look at gucci

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I still don’t quite get why you think that 20 seasonals makes more sense than 50 seasonals.
My generel confusion or question, is why you don’t see it possible/reasonable to make the price 50 seasonals.
Unlike real life where you can always make a comparison to dusins of other items of “similar” value, there is not really any comparisons (I am talking about 1:1 comparisons) This causes items to have these fictional values, which can become easily inflated, based on nothing other than “cause it can be that value”.

So if you had numbers on how many seasonals on average there exists compared to the amount of headless out there. If there were such numbers, a value could be more easily given.

Because for every headless there’s AT LEAST 16 seasonals, due to having to complete the event, if you also count in the seasonals that were obtained but without getting the headless + the people who grinded hundreds of seaosnals, you obtain 1 Headless for every 25ish Seaosnals that EXIST.

IMPORTANT THO, that’s for the seasonals/headlesses that exist, not the ones in circulation. On top of that, there’s people like heroblade with 45ish headlesses, but there’s no one with 2250 seasonals (45x50), since there is more headlesses than thought, the rarity from seaosnals to headless does not follow 1:50 ratio (or at least I don’t know that, I’d be happy the admit I’m wrong if you give me the data. The Headless’s value is mostly due to it’s extremely high demand as a collectable and cosmetic, on top of being a priced choice to store value over time, since it’s value will only rise.

(I never did economy so there are just my thoughts, please correct me if I’m wrong)

No, seems perfectly fine and reasonable to have a headless for every 25 seasonals, and yeah it is indeed over priced by 2x its supposed value.
I did play the halloween event, but never completed it (still got 10+ seasonals) so i was not aware of this ratio.

Thank you for informing me about it.

There is one more factor though that might either pull the weight to the seasonals side, but it could also pull to the headless side.

Lets estimate that 10% of all people that played WOM and bought 1 seasonal left the game.
Since almost 2 millon have played the game, and 370k have gotten the 4th test, we could make the estimated amount that bought 1 seasonal 500k (cause casual player most likely bought 1-4 seasonals, and not all test players returned)

This means a loss of 50k seasonals out of the economy. And leaving 450k left.

since 5971 (according to the badges awarded) that would leave 95536 seasonals for all headless owners. (and we expect everyone to own it)

This total amount of halloween seasonals (or 4th july) would make the rate 91.364 seasonals per headless.

So While yes doing the event the rate was 1/16, and if adjusting for extra seasonals bought from the headless owner players 1/25, that still leaves the rate far from the theortical calculation I made.
To reach to current breaking point (50 seasonals per headless) you would only need 298550 seasonals in the economy, which might indeed already be in circulation in some form.

A major detail tho is that there’s absolutely NOT 6000 Headlesses in the economy right now, at the absolute maximium, there’s 400 to 500, but I think there’s much less.

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By in the economy I mean headlesses that are owned by ACTIVE players.

that would make headless worth 10x amount of seasonals, which also why I did not use that example, but instead just showed you a math based example .
mathematicly headless should maybe actually be worth 100 seasonals not 50, by pure numbers.

nvm you dont seem to understand what im saying and it doesnt really matter anyways cuz i do think headless = 50+ seasonals like i had said earlier

anyways just nvm that


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More than you can probably afford

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